Dear Diary,

I cannot believe that I've abandoned you since the day after I registered this blog. Sorry for my neglect, and hope u don't mind.

Recently, I've been busy being a student. It's quite a precious time for me. After all these years' working, I 've found being a student is one of the happiest things in the world.

These days, I've attended classes in LTTC. I'm so lucky that I have met two very excellent teachers--Azrael & Francis. Each has his own characteristic teaching style and personality. One thing they share in common is that they're both very very good teachers: well-organized, knowledgeable, and always helpful to students. Hope I can learn something from them and benefit my future students.

Oh, I see it won't take me much time to write a diary entry if I just let go of grammatical rules, so maybe I will come here oftener and write more next time.


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